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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2022 in all areas

  1. I could not post before but am contributer now so i can. if I sign out from forum I cant see see anything, so maybe they cant vote? I was not really for subscribing but they offer money prizes and free video tutorials so I say it is good deal. Reddit and discord are very confusing for me and there is alot of trolling : o
    3 points
  2. Check out our latest success story! How the Belgium-based creative studio Glitch has accompanied Jérémie Makiese's performance on the Eurovision stage, by using U-Render, Cinema4D and other tools. Read more here. Don't miss our webinar on July, 7th. Register for free today.
    3 points
  3. There has been quite extensive discussion about using the Studio on the Corona forum. The general consensus is that its very nice to work with and ofter faster and more responsive in typical tasks. (yes, including RS) Its' never going to render faster than a heavyweight threadripper though. Kinda depends if your main output is animation or stills as to how appropriate it is. Thread is here if you are interested: https://forum.corona-renderer.com/index.php?topic=33540.msg200941#new
    2 points
  4. Ah, ok lot of thanks. Always this tiny and hidden uncovered settings 😬😤
    1 point
  5. PS: If you do need this level of brightness - and you only have a modest number of lights in total, maybe you could solve the problem by duplicating them. Have a visible set of lights with a lower intensity, and a non-visible close duplicate with the required intensity.
    1 point
  6. ...and its disabled in render settings. Enable it and use button "Copy from IRR" to recieve automatic IRR size
    1 point
  7. At Greyscalegorilla we have a discord channel, it's free to join: Greyscalegorilla Discord - Greyscalegorilla And RocketLasso has a slack channel. Insydium / X-Particles, also has a discord. Even @Igorhas a discord: https://discord.gg/j6vfhYcN Probably loads of other discords and slacks out there. But for me personally I like forums because information can get lost on threads in discord and slack. Also forums get indexed by google. So you can search and find content. Meaning any long-form posts and information doesn't get lost. However that ability is now gone from Core4D because google won't be able to index any of these discussions. I prefer the community here as a place to hang out, and I also prefer the forum style interaction.
    1 point
  8. The settings of the render region are the offset from each side, not the absolute pixel position. In your example the render region would be smaller than possible, so it probably defaults to full frame. If I understand your project you might want to try these settings: left border: 960 top border: 600 right border: 0 bottom border: 0 This will render a rectangular part of 960x480 pixels in the right bottom corner
    1 point
  9. You need to reduce the 'Max subsample intensity' - so it is 1, or closer to 1. Render settings > Sampling > Unfied Samling > Filter. This reigns in the values of the overbright - 'whiter than white' - pixels that are causing this antialiasing issue. See the 'Filter' section on this page: https://help.maxon.net/c4d/en-us/Default.htm#_REDSHIFT_/html/Sampling+-+Advanced.html#SamplingAdvanced-Filter If you sample (eyedropper) the pixels of those lights using the 'pixel' tab in the render view settings (the gear wheel icon), you'll find they are around '10' - eg: 10x brighter than 'white'. That very bright value against a black surround is causing these antialiasing issues. The problem is exaggerated by the shallow angle the edges of some of the lights make compared to the horizontal - which always emphasizes antialiasing issues. All told - three things together that each add to the problem.
    1 point
  10. Hey TDR, I can't really pinpoint what you mean by clean edges. but if we are talking about pixels or aliasing, then maybe try to increase Unified Sampling (Gauss) filter size to 3.
    1 point
  11. I've read all the blog posts everywhere, seen all the reviews but I still want a Mac Studio (Ultra). Even though it doesn't even come close to the RTX 3090. Is anyone actually here working on the thing? I'm already a mac user, working on a 2019 MBP and feel like I need an upgrade. I'd hate to go back to Windows as I need better hardware for 3d. My impression is that working with large complex scenes would be very fast, but the render times would take a hit compared to the best out there. How's the interactive render in Redshift? I usually render stills at not very high resolution. I would like to play with abstract materials with refraction, depth of field, things like that. Thanks to anyone who has personal experience working on a Mac Studio!
    1 point
  12. I have left the poll open for a month, so hopefully it will be visible to people when back from vacation. It does feel like there has been a drop off recently. The visibility of the forum being locked off to only those who have signed up will be a contributing factor. Since you can't even browse the forum now to see what it is about unless you sign up. So new users won't be here asking questions since they don't even know that this is a place where they can ask questions.
    1 point
  13. Some ideas to play with in the future
    1 point
  14. LevelSet, FLIP and APIC are main ones. I rarely use any of the others myself. But I added support for them just to see how they behave. Here is a comparison of a dam break test for APIC, PIC and FLIP. The FLIP method actually has a slider to blend between pure FLIP and PIC. And here is the LevelSet dam break. And this one is PCI SPH. I didn't do one for just SPH since the implementation feels pretty unstable. LevelSet does not have particles and is purely grid based. But FLIP, PIC and APIC will generate particles that are moved through the grid. You would then mesh FLIP or APIC using either the JetFluids Mesher Object, or use the OpenVDB to mesh it. Smoke works exactly the same as any other solver. You add an emitter, then put a collider in the way and cache the simulation. Smoke however will create a volume and it is then up to you to decide how to render it based on whatever render engine you are using. Here is a simple scene (unfortunately I don't seem able to upload a c4d file or a zip of one to this forum).
    1 point
  15. Im not great on SnT but a quick look at your file and maybe its the case that you used two versions of each object, one with SnT but with lines only and one version with the transparent material, Im assuming that SnT can render outlines only without the fill. Deck
    1 point
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