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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Been having a bit of fun with the Circle from Edges node, and used it to create this fairly efficient setup. No booleans or subdividing needed, and if it needs deforming, the excellent Divide SOP takes care of business. Scene file attached. Circle Holes without Booleans.hiplc
    3 points
  2. Haven't had much time to work on this as i'm currently on holiday in New York, had a bit of time to work on the face this morning and the eyes 😄
    2 points
  3. Way to set the stage with the big stuff 🙂 Since i am not an artist at all i have to start on a slightly lower level. Please find attached a paramettric Modeling function that creates a Groove from selected edges. As part of a modeling stack you can use it to create those grooves that can be found on nearly all surfaces somehow SciFi. It has options to subdivide and smooth the grooves to allow more organic shapes. Edge to Groove 01.c4d
    2 points
  4. Sorry, Im not sure I can see where anyone suggested rendering at double the frame rate? Outside of the framerate mismatches, what you're trying to show on screen just fundamentally will not work on a low framerate project. You're moving a large, crisp, detailed object across the screen at too high of a speed. This means the model is jumping ~100 pixels per frame. This happens in 3d and real world camera footage, it isnt limited to 3d rendering. Ways to fix this: 1) Use a higher framerate project, and by this, I mean higher for everything including the final delivered product. You can't just render it high, then chop it back down to 24fps again. If the object moves 100 pixels per frame on a 24fps project, then it would only move ~35 pixels per frame in a 60fps project. But of course all your rendering and editing gets slower because now you have more frames 2) Use motion blur. I can see your renders do have motion blur, but the settings arent high enough for the movement. On this project you need a 180 degree shutter, or about 0.02 seconds (1 second, divided by 24fps, divided by 2 (for the 180 degree shutter angle)) of blur per frame in order for it to look natural. Less than this and it will flicker, higher than this and it will smudge. 3) Slow down the camera movement. Lower movement = less stuttering 4) Change the camera movement. Your zooms are fine, because even though the camera may move quickly, visually everything just gets a few pixels larger or smaller. Same for rotations, theyre fine because the object isnt moving across the screen. Only pans and tracks will strobe like this. Someone had a similar problem a while back, maybe this helps demonstrate the issue more. Unfortunately their links now problem, but it had the same strobing as they panned the camera left to right
    1 point
  5. There is a line to be walked here, between basic realism and artistic freedom (SciFi, not Fantasy). SciFi means that the base for everything is science and technology as we understand it now. That does not mean all components have to be understandable, but that the general make up has an inherent logic that can be followed.. A long running german SciFi series (Perry Rhodan) includes technical drawings of many of their spaceships. I love how much detail is sometimes crammed in and in many cases the artists try to base their work on the fictional scientific premesis. https://www.google.com/search?q=perry+rhodan+risszeichnungen&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsZWmolQmOeOFv3FE9ocW3pOxxGm0w:1655197269298&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi775Oqyqz4AhVYtqQKHXhPAQ8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1181&bih=1202&dpr=1.25 http://www.rz-journal.de/
    1 point
  6. Let's face it, most of those greeble automatisms and helpers are targeted towards just braking up large areas into less homogene surfaces, they don't really add anything useful to the model. As such their use needs to me limited.
    1 point
  7. I'm with @MJV on this one. The documentation is very hit or miss, and searching for "normal" or "move along normal" should return Peak, but it doesn't at all. You either know it, or you don't.
    1 point
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