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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Just catching up with Core4D / C4D Cafe as I haven't visited in a while. Myself and Crew Reynolds started C4D cafe. We were both trueSpace users and both into animating. We could see that truespace's days were numbered so moved over to Cinema 4D. In fact it was about 10 years that we then later me on my own ran the cafe before I sold it and moved on. I'm not actually doing any 3D these days and only have Blender installed on my computer and that's just to view a couple of model files. People may recall that I was modelling Lego motorcycles in 3D. That's developed to actually modelling them for real. I currently have about 55 Lego Technic motorcycles and now design my own. I exhibit them at Lego shows here in New Zealand. Getting back to the topic. I would be fine paying a small contribution to keep this place going. I know I had to dig into my own wallet a few times to pay the bills. Running and maintaining a forum on its own server isn't cheap. Cheers Nigel / 3DKiwi
    5 points
  2. I dont know about all the redshift and material stuff playing ball but a work around for you may be to use the inheritance effector ( seems to be my goto answer for many mograph issues ) and set up a simple cube or at least a 1 piece model of the cassette, but anyway, do the dynamics with that and have a non dynamic cloner for the cassette that just follows the PSR of the dynamic one, hope that makes sense. Ive put an example with just ten cassettes in your file below. There is an odd moment when the dynamic clones flash up, but if you cache the dynamics that all disappears. Had to take out some of your cassette parts to make the file small enough to upload here. Deck REDSHIFT CAMERA MAP_0002.c4d.zip
    1 point
  3. I haven't looked at your scene, but what about setting the dynamics on the cassette to 'compound collision object' ? CBR
    1 point
  4. Your setup was missing the connection to the Index, but that alone does not fix the problem. There is still an issue with this that i can't pin down yet, sorry. I'll look into this next week and come back to you once i have a solution.
    1 point
  5. Here is an interesting one. In a nutshell, a linear cloner which respects boundaries of input objects. Generator takes any number of input objects and arranges them on selected axis There are controls for axis, count and spacing Here is a graph The "magic" happens in LCV subgraph 47_Boundary_Clones.c4d
    1 point
  6. They may have done, but I don't like them for their real-time-ness ! Most modelling questions I answer here (for example) would get a far inferior answer in real time than they do after much-considered thought and well-prepared diagrams / videos / other assets there is time for in a forum. Real time means you tend to get the first idea out of people's heads, and no1 has time to try stuff first... though I appreciate the corollary of having lots of brains answering in quick succession, and the wisdom of crowds, such as it is ! Also the amount of revisions and edits I do to posts to improve them is all wasted / unavailable in a real time format, hence why I find forums the perfect environment to help in... CBR
    1 point
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