Hey @everyone,
there has been some great help given here, but since the OP never talked about two scripts or the clipboard, I just wanted emphasize that the clipboard is not required at all for what you, @Lumes, want to do. Since a track, i.e., `CTrack` is derived from `BaseList2D` and therefore `C4DAtom`, you can simply copy a track with `C4DAtom.GetClone()`. You can then insert such track into another `BaseList2D` with `.InsertTrackSorted()`.
The major problem in your feature wish lies in detecting the the currently active track(s). This is a problem because,
there is more than one timeline manager (up to four can exist which do not share their selection state) and
that you cannot access the content (tracks) of a timeline manager directly.
What you effectively will have to do, is to iterate over the scene graph, to find all tracks in it, and then check track by track for each node if a track is selected in one of the TL Managers via `GeListNode.GetNBit(c4d.NBIT_TLx_SELECT)` where x is the TL number.
There is more to explore, especially regarding how to select a target node to copy to, you could for example use a popup menu for that or selection states. But I just wanted to make clear that it is very much possible to do this in one script. If you have more questions, I would invite you to contact the Maxon SDK support at Home | PluginCafé (maxon.net).
PS: Without wanting to be rude, since I pay nothing for the service of this forum, but does this forum really not have inline code/typewriter emphasis? Or am I just overlooking the feature?