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With c4d crash you mean totally freezing of computer or just posible turn off c4d in task manager (if win)? Because sometimes happend situation when you close (after crash/freeze) c4d and can not start again because is still in memory. If you look ino task manager, sometimes you´ll find it still open in processes not applications only...Then if you kill process, its possible to run c4d again withput restart pc (at leats for me its work)2 points
Version 1.0.0
Custom Icon Fix for c4d S26 - pc version. This version uses a mix of s24 and R25 Icons to complement only the missing icons with a slight color correction. Install: Place files here: C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R26\resource\modules\c4dplugin\icons Don't forget to backup the original interface_icons.txt and interface_icons_2x.tif cheersFree1 point -
I recently built a Dual 3090 Workstation, Before I built this I was curious how much power draw it would have when rendering. I have a wall power meter System Idle = 180watts Rendering redshift benchmark = Maxed out at 911 Watts total for whole system My PC is i7-12700k, 64gb Power supply 1300w Hope this is useful for someone1 point
My film "Whistle and i will come" was select3d for 2 festivals. I had to hide the youtube post for a couple weeks so it can premier at the Warped Dimension festival on the 14th of May but it will be back online the 15th. Th ask to everyone here for encouraging me while I was making it! At the Warped Dimension film festival May 14, 2022 (Online Festival) https://www.ahith.com/mrholeheadwarpeddimension I will be doing a Q&A over Zoom the 14th so sign up! New York Istanbul Film Festival The event is May 6th but I don't know much more than my film is one of the selections! http://www.newyorkistanbulshortfilmfestival.com/About/ The film is off Youtube temporarily so it can premiere officially at the Warped Dimension festival!1 point
They haven't made the standard material the default yet, as it is so new, but that is expected to come at some point...1 point
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Yes, it's because the end caps don't work with the cylindrical projection that is the default UV mapping type for a sweep object. I doubt any of the standard projections will work for this, so you're gonna have to make it editable, and adjust the UVs for those end caps manually. An alternative to that would be to disable caps in the sweep, and use the scaling spline in the details of that to taper the ends off to nothing - that way the existing mapping will work everywhere. CBR1 point
Do I know IF they switched ? I don't ! 🙂 But the bullet engine in S26 does not have the CPU / GPU option that the new sim stuff does, so make of that what you will... I haven't used nvida flex, so can't comment on that either ! But I like our new cloth, whatever it is ! Not quite perfect yet, but so much better than what we had before... CBR1 point
Yes I have been working with that for a little longer now, and come to exactly the same conclusions as above ! Many more iterations need to stiffen that belt, and bit of a PITA to be constantly switching between the sim settings ! CBR1 point
You have to increase iterations under document settings/dynamics (ctrl D) to stiffen the belt. They splitted the cloth settings into the tag and the document settings resulting in a constant jumping back and forth between the 2 gui. A bizarre design decision resulting in like 5x the clicks you prevously needed. No clue why stuff like that survives a testing process.1 point
TBH I dunno if a message board from Maxon would help. On this board Srek jumps in now and then, Rick and Dave speak up if there’s something pressing. Over at Cineversity Dr. Sassi gives long helpful comments to technical questions. On a new Maxon forum those same guys would probably be posting the same things, but dickheads like Infograph would join up to write their usual kamikaze posts, Rick and the other guys would have to further divide their time between there and here, someone would have to moderate the place and anyone that wrote a whiny post here would write another whiny post there. Not to curb free expression but once is probably enough, and I think the staff have other things they need to get cracking on at the moment. Also I don’t know if newcomers feel engaged by posts longer than whatever the current Twitter word limit is. I think they prefer Instagram and Tik Tok. Although if Dave McGavran had his own dumb and cheerful Tik Tok channel showing folks making coffee or shooting Airsoft guns at Maxon HQ I’d be linking to it daily in whatever thread IceCaveMan was ranting in. Maybe he does. So I think the ship has sailed. That noted with half the Maxon Training Team sitting around twice a week answering questions on live stream, the company no longer has that unavailable vibe they had some years ago. Questions here usually get an answer, and if they don’t get answered here I’m not sure if they’d be giving additional details on a second forum that does exactly the same thing.1 point
Buckle up for the complexity of the Resource Editor 🙂 There as well, you have so many more options. But fear not, after a brief moment of shock and after having used it a few times, you will see, the stuff you did in the User Data editor is just as easy in the Resource Editor.1 point
Oh, I mentioned Xpresso's simple data types. And for Scene Nodes I spoke about "arrays of arrays of vertices". That's by far not the end of the line. In Scene Nodes you can build arbitrarily complex data types, almost like developers are used to in C++ (compound data types, e.g. a type which contains a color, some position data, a list of connected entities, speed value and temperature. You see some use case for it, well, in Scene Nodes nobody holds you back). The problem Maxon will face in the coming years, how to boil all these options and overwhelming complexity down to something, the arbitrary user can make use of and so it is fun to use actually (currently Scene Nodes are probably more fun for people like me... lets call them nerds). Capsules, I think, are a first step in that direction (even though born from a completely different reason). And I'm pretty sure we need to imagine the future along these lines.1 point
That is not the difference - the calculated thickness is handled by the value set in the cloth tag, whereas what you see is just a cloth surface generating the physical thickness. I suspect the main difference between yours and mine is damping in the Master Sim Settings - mine is set to 100%. Anyway, here is my scene file so you can compare and contrast... Conveyor 26 cloth.c4d CBR1 point
There have been tons of updates to the Dope Sheet & many other aspects of animation & character animation over the last 5 releases. It's a pretty good example of the continued development that some people claim Maxon doesn't do (and to be fair, they sometimes don't do)1 point
Hi Tudor, It works for me in R21 / RS - and I know it has worked for me fine in the past as well, so it should be OK on 3.0.67 See if this simple test works for you. You'll need to add a HDRI to the domelight. Maybe one thing that might be triping you up: If you are using a Domelight you need to enable 'Replace Alpha Channel' in the Environment section. TorusAlphaTest.c4d1 point
I think it's absolutely fair comment that Arnold / Octane / Corona have delivered more beautiful images out of the box than RS. A key reason is the RS developers have had a very strong focus on speed. A lot of the material defaults - glass being a good example - were set up to deliver a 'good enough image at the fastest possible speed' as opposed to the other renderers where the defaults are more focused on quality. Can you deliver 'Arnold quality' images from Redshift? Well, that's a personal judgement of course, and one you need to make in the light of your clients and their requirements, but you can certainly deliver images that are very, very good. On the positive side: 1. Quite a few versions ago RS / Maxon revamped the render settings to have a 'basic' and 'advanced' mode so they are easier to get into for new users. 2. YESTERDAY RS introduced Redshift 3.5 with a new 'Standard Material' - which is 'insipred' by the Arnold Standard Surface and has some significant improvements over the now legacy 'RS Material' in terms of material design, energy conservation, rough surfaces, thin film and SSS. 3. Random walk SSS is expected to be added in the next few months. 4. Volume improvments and other work is also well underway. You can check out recent features and future plans on the official Redshift Trello page at: https://trello.com/b/QASr74yB/redshift Do i think RS is the ultimate renderer for every requirement? No : ) But I've found it capable and reliable for all my work, delivering an image quality that my clients are quite happy with. It might be worth you checking it out!1 point
Modelling-wise, there is nothing quite like Modo in look, feel and precision. I hope it doesn't get subsumed by everything else around it. I often wonder if I would end up there if I ever lost my love for Cinema - although I am more familiar with Max, which seems these days like a sort of stagnant monolith to old school modelling (which in itself isn't a bad thing !), there is something about the look and organisation of Modo which makes me think I would prefer to work in it over Max's horror show muddle of a GUI. Of course now Igor and the interwebs is showing me the wonders of Houdini of course that is also a contender. But I am generally very happy in Cinema now (with the normal list of exceptions 😉 ) so I ain't going anywhere in the short-term, but kinda hope Modo remains there should I ever feel the winds of change (cue Scorpions anthem etc etc)... CBR1 point