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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. I saw this on FB, from Jules himself - Meshlets (AKA Nanite for Octane) - AI Neural Rendering Kernels. link to post here, with accompanying video. https://www.facebook.com/577284846/videos/546256256929213/
    3 points
  3. I suppose that does indeed work - thanks
    1 point
  4. Nope. There, did it. Wrong perspective. Much easier this way. procedural-random-gridpoints-v06.c4d
    1 point
  5. Yeah .... It seems we've lost that information too when the Correction deformer came into play. Well, I suspected something to be off, when you break the rules you can't bring the pieces back together. That's the inconvenience the correction deformer provides... I tried the Random Selection node but nothing happened. Either I'm using it wrong or the Cloner (or anything with a selection field) does not recognize nodes. Probably it's the second. Unfortunately I can't think of any other solution to this so we have to wait for someone else to add his solution. 😞
    1 point
  6. Truth. Insydium bought TerraformFX and have kept developing it. They just showed another update a few days ago. I will say though, World Creator 3 promo stuff looks AMAZING. Aaron Westwood posted a bunch of shots using WC3, C4D, Octane, Megascans, Speedtree.... https://www.artstation.com/aaronwestwood
    1 point
  7. You can try lazyviewport https://github.com/cgfasttrack/lazyviewport shown here: It gives you back the old G, R, S keys along with the standard tools for move, scale, rotate. I prefer not to use the Blender defaults because addons. Blender defaults are meant to be changed, especially with tools like Hops, MachineTools, MeshMachine, Gizmo Pro, Friendly Pivot, Schoolism menus, ACT, BlenderSensei Power Select, and so on. Make blender your own and adjust the hotkeys as you find more addons that can replace some of the questionable stuff in Blender. Still waiting for Blender to get dev money to fix their crappy outliner. At least let ME drag/sort my meshes in my "collection" like every other DCC ever in existence..... (only ONE example)
    1 point
  8. They all have a price, unfortunately. Allegorithmic, Pixologic, Softimage, Alias|Wavefront, Redshift, Red Giant, Silicon Grail, Shake, etc.
    1 point
  9. I would agree. And this will give Forester a run for its money as well. In fact, Insydium in one short year has already replicated everything in Forester but also the long awaited, but never released, RockGen plugin as well. 3D Quakers must be a bit despondent right now. Now, TAIAO has wind force modifiers. But they were only shown acting on single spline systems like grass. What I would want to see is there action on multi-spline systems like trees where there is more dynamic motion on the leaves then the branches but both the branches and leaves are impacted by the wind. To just see the leaves move but not the branches would be a bit of a disappointment. They kind of glossed over this at the end of the video very quickly. The population tools look very good but more needs to be said here as well. For example, can the population be controlled by the view angle of the camera. Tree instances will be created based on what the camera can see only. Better yet, tree instances will be created based on what trees and their shadows can be seen by the camera. Also, as the trees are procedurally generated, is there any LOD functions as well. Finally, relative to tree dynamics, will the main points in the tree splines get converted to particles and therefore be impacted by XP forces? The backbone of all XP n-systems dynamic simulations is that everything is defined as particles. The particles in a cloth grid are part of the same dynamic system as the particles in a fluid simulation. That is how a fluid simulation can impact a cloth simulation. So can this n-system methodology be extended to a dynamic tree simulation. Imagine an XP explosion causing the trees to rock back and forth. Or the trees get knocked down in a flood. Or you populate a landscape with trees but then use Voronoi fracturing to break that landscape up and collapse and the trees sway and fall in that landslide. Now that would be cool. So this is pretty exciting not only from a landscape generation perspective but also from a deeper integration with XP for future VFX possibilities! Great start! Looking forward to it. Dave
    1 point
  10. I love this and the terrain stuff. Sadly I can't afford to update to the Fuse update anymore but this is some of the stuff I was hoping they would get into. I would say their interface has become even more artist friendly this new additions.
    1 point
  11. hello I found this extensive free training on forum and i think it should be more visible because i noticed it few days ago and is been here for while 🙂 so posting for all others who maybe didnt see it
    1 point
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