This is a very particular case. For comparison, I converted this scene to Blender, and added the Line Art modifer to create similar lines - and as expected, Blender also plays the animation quite slow (slower than C4D actually).
View-port navigation also slows down in B for the view camera that must recalculate the lines from all angles, but the perspective camera is smooth (no need to recalculate lines, but the lines look wrong from a too different angle).
So it is just the nature of the 'beast': calculating and processing this type of line effect in real time takes its toll on the CPU rather than the GPU. Only with a dedicated edge line art GPU shader (like in games with edge shader effects such as Borderlands) is it possible to calculate these type of edge effects in real-time.
Btw, if these lines are 'baked' per animation frame in Blender the view-port works butter-smooth, as does the animation (at least in Blender, don't know if this is possible in C4D, to be honest...). The lines are then converted to Grease Pencil strokes, and can be adjusted per frame, if required. At the expense of not being able to change the camera's view point too much, of course...
Perhaps someone here knows how to bake the lines in Cinema4D.