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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2022 in all areas

  1. There's different types of random - a repeatable random sequence - is same sequence every time scene is run a random sequence that is different every time a random sequence where a number can be repeated a random sequence where numbers do not repeat e.g. the random integer node from presets gives a repeatable sequence with no duplicates. You can get a different sequence by changing the seed. randint.c4d
    2 points
  2. Théo Thonat, François Beaune, Xin Sun, Nathan Carr and Tamy Boubekeur ACM Transactions on Graphics - SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Paper Abstract Displacement mapping is a powerful mechanism for adding fine to medium geometric details over a 3D surface using a 2D map encoding them. While GPU rasterization supports it through the hardware tessellation unit, ray tracing surface meshes textured with high quality displacement requires a significant amount of memory. More precisely, the input surface needs to be pre-tessellated at the displacement map resolution before being enriched with its mandatory acceleration data structure. Consequently, designing displacement maps interactively while enjoying a full physically-based rendering is often impossible, as simply tiling multiple times the map quickly saturates the graphics memory. In this work we introduce a new tessellation-free displacement mapping approach for ray tracing. Our key insight is to decouple the displacement from its base domain by mapping a displacement-specific acceleration structures directly on the mesh. As a result, our method shows low memory footprint and fast high resolution displacement rendering, making interactive displacement editing possible. The paper: https://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/boubek/papers/TFDM/TFDM_lowres.pdf
    1 point
  3. Do you mean xpresso? Maybe you could use simple random node converted with range mapper to switch with all needed values... Example: random_output.c4d
    1 point
  4. On the Maxon certification page, there’s a document that lists all the topics you’ll be tested on. It’s very comprehensive and covers all of C4D. https://www.maxon.net/en/certification/c4d-topics-list The list includes tons of links to pages that explain individual subjects in depth, so you could quite easily work through the topics. read, follow, digest and practice and repeat, and teach yourself many of the fundamentals that Maxon and various employers presumably think are useful. This can be done for free without paying a cent to Maxon, presumably because the goal is for people to learn this stuff. If people think costs are high or the test is too stressful they can still learn and benefit from learning without blowing any cash or taking the test. There are some trainers on Skillshare and elsewhere who note in their videos that they are Maxon certified trainers, and surprise, they know their stuff and their training is good value. For those unconvinced, there aren’t too many cops running around banging on doors asking folks if they’ve been certified by Maxon, so if folks who find the whole concept stressful skip it, I’m not sure if their lives will take a turn for the worse. Overall though I think the certification process is a useful thing and I don’t have many doubts that anyone who passes it will comfortably know their way around the software.
    1 point
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