I don't usually do well modeling, but I'm feeling pretty good with this one so far, even though I'm not making it exactly like the reference image. However, I would like feedback on my poly flow and anything that looks like it could cause problems if not fixed before moving forward. I'm not entirely happy with the cockpit or the polys in front of the cockpit. I tried to keep a good poly flow, but the polys there seem kind of pinched or bumpy and the cockpit doesn't round well in front either. I'm still working on figuring out how to handle that.
I'll probably also redo behind the cockpit to make that area more like the reference picture. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to handle the engines inside the wings yet. I thought I should probably model them as separate objects and insert them inside the wing and then modify the inner wing polys where necessary to 'mount' the engines. I open to suggestions in regards to this as well.
Anyway, I uploaded the project so you can get a good look at the model. I figure that would be the best way for me to learn. Thanks for your time.