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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2022 in all areas

  1. At the end of every year, my company makes us shut down and take PTO. During this time, I start a new WIP because it is the only real time when I have any time to focus at all. Here is render of the completed first phase: If you can figure out what it is from, then I have been successful. Hopefully, I will finish this one. Dave
    3 points
  2. The hype from these companies is always completely divorced from reality.
    2 points
  3. I randomly stumbled upon this article : DeviantArt Protect: 80,000 NFT Alerts Sent DeviantArt Protect now scans over 3.8 million new NFT images every week, and since the addition of NFT protection in August 2021, over 80,000 alerts regarding potential NFT infringement have been sent. https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/DeviantArt-Protect-80-000-NFT-Alerts-Sent-902819882?fbclid=IwAR2MhPaeZ7BjQVNVTGiVhEQxAxv4oSSxgTi9whmHrh2a1Ozbw3rK4YM3W5c Apparently there are bots that steal images and sell them as NFTs filling the pockets of crooks. Is your favorite platform secure against this kind of threat ? And even without a dedicated bot, someone can very easily steal an image, feed it in an AI image enhancer, pass it through PS to make some lighting/color adjustments and just sell it. Who is going to notice if the image isn't that popular ?
    1 point
  4. Have you looked at using a corona rayswitch material for the environment/floor? For product shots I sometimes cheat by having a small feathered floor just under the product - and a separate 'full' environment which is not seen by reflections. (Especially for bottles - which in reality are often photographed balnced on tiny plexiglass discs to avoid unwanted reflections).
    1 point
  5. Thank you all. The toughest part was figuring out the dimensions which was done mostly by eyeball by looking at photo's from the movies and placing the "Figure" primitive in the scene to get the scale correct. I "hope" to not only finish the bay but to then carry it forward to an exterior view of the bay as shown in the scenes when the Falcon was approaching the landing bay. Originally, I just wanted to do the bay but believe it or not, I found this site: Death Star Dimensions which is going to be a huge help in modeling those exterior views. Someone actually went through each frame of the movie and counted pixels and then compared those counts to those of the Falcon. He/she used the scene of the Falcon passing through the air-lock portal to the bay as both objects where together and at the same position relative to the camera. Knowing the Falcons height, he then calculated the bays dimensions and then worked backwards from there. I am sure there is some fan-zine book out there that has all this information, but this site is free and he did all the work...sooo..... BTW: What prompted this WIP was tripping over the work of Alexander Ivanov at Artstation. He is a Max modeler who has modeled some impressive SW models and sci-fi greeble packs. I would rate his work right up there with my personal favorite: Ansel Hsiao -- the difference being that Alexander sells his models and at a really low price (especially when you can capture a 30% discount at Artstation). The models are all in FBX format and do require some conversion work to get them into C4D (rigging, lighting, and some additional modeling around the back engine interiors which are left oddly bare given all the detail he puts into his models). I have always loved sci-fi modeling, so this is the sweet spot for me. Dave
    1 point
  6. It work as expected here (R25.115).
    1 point
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