Dang it, if it wasn't for Cerbera, I'd be done with this model by now. It wouldn't be any good, but I'd be done. Haha.
I must have reworked this wing half dozen times now and it still isn't right. After reworking 3-4 times with a lot of point moving and such, I finally sat down and watched a couple hours of modeling lessons. That really helped. I went back and attacked this with a completely different approach. I got the basic wing done in about 20 minutes, with what I think was pretty good poly flow. The cone taper stumped me for some time and I finally put a cone in that section and moved points until the polys lined up with the cone. I know there is a better way, I just don't know what it is.
The rear edge is still quite thick and whenever I try to taper the top of the wing from front to back so the rear edge is thinner, I get bumps on the top polys near the rounded engine compartment. I'm also not sure I'll be able to connect the wing to the nose section, which means I'll probably have to start from scratch at least one more time. I also know that I have a couple of complex poles on the leading edge of the wing. I'm not sure what to do about those. The back engine exhaust is messy because I only have the one reference image. So, I have to make it the way I think it might be. This exhaust section also makes it difficult to then the rear edge in the way I'd like to.
Once the wing is good, I had planned to extend it to complete the body of the ship. Before I do that, I'll watch some more lessons. I don't know why it's so difficult for me to think this through. I never expected this model to take this long. Lol. It looked so simple.
I uploaded a project file with several iterations and annotations on each so that you might see my progression. I really appreciate any feedback, even if it is to say; "Just give up, you're not meant to model". Lol.