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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2021 in all areas

  1. e-on software has Black Friday deals Get 45% off on all annual licenses of VUE & PlantFactory and PlantCatalog* You can purchase multiple licenses (one year per each license) and activate them later when you need them**. Annual licenses can be installed on two distinct machines and you will get all updates which are released while your license is valid. Please note this is a time-limited offer. It will expire on December 6th, 2021. * Educational products and monthly solutions are not included. ** The runtime of your annual license starts on the first day of activation and not on the day of purchase, so you can activate each license just when you need it.
    3 points
  2. Yes, I saw this video a little while ago. I thought they made a very decent attempt at it, but I also agree with much of what has already been said here: * It's almost an impossible task to do fairly. * There's the speed of rendering and the speed / effort of 'set up' to consider. * Speed is everything: if you have 10,000 frames to render and a tight deadline. * Speed is nothing: if you've spent two weeks modelling, texturing and setting up a single still image and now need to render it. * Who cares about speed? What about the looks! * etc. : ) Bottom line: What a toolset! I started doing 3D when the thought of calculating any form of global illumination - even for a still image - was a pipe dream... Take your pick from a fantastic group of renderers.
    2 points
  3. every render engine has its strengths and weaknesses, it totally depends on the project which one is the right choice. i use standard, corona, redshift or arnold, depending on which one gets the job done most efficiently. for arch vis stills and product vis corona or vray is probably the best choice. for cinematic looking everydays octane is hard to beat. if you have somewhat bigger animation projects redshift is really good... on huge projects, where you can‘t anticipate entirely in the beginning what you might need down the road arnold is probably your best bet. you don‘t have to learn them all, but having a choice between 2-3 engines depending on the job really helps making your life a bit easier. in the end they are all quite similar and not that hard to learn.
    2 points
  4. Its so subjective and there are hardware realities to consider as well. I've started looking at render engines like Cameras. Some people like to shoot on Canon, some like to shoot on Nikon, some prefer...... I think less about tests of seconds but which one feels better and is more instinctive to me. Corona is this hands down for me - easily the easiest render engine I've ever learned and great images right out of the box. But I don't do animations, or heavy vfx, or characters, so it's going to be so different for everybody and I don't pretend to think it's the best solution for anyone else. Without the render wars, though, we would still be yelling at random strangers online about mac vs. PC, pepsi vs. Coke, or the z-brush interface.
    2 points
  5. Thanks for sharing, Happypolygon 🙂 I work for e-on, but as a private person in this forum, I would not advertise anything. So I'm glad you posted it.
    1 point
  6. True. And yeah - there is certainly a bias towards faster=better. As someone who isnt working into a constrained pipeline - image quality and user experience are much more important. (Assuming contemporary render times - physical is even not on the page as the competitors).
    1 point
  7. This topic is a snake pit and normally is the end of every thread 🙂 I for one can not see any difference in the results artists are achieving. No matter what OS they are using. And It looks like all type OSes are used regularly in production. Therefor they seem to be production worthy. I think that drivers, applications and plugins are by far the bigger problem.
    1 point
  8. Hey man, I didn't mean this in an offensive or "it's your fault" way. I just personally have not had any of these issues that people often complain about, nor do I know anybody that had these issues. That doesn't mean that these problems don't exist.
    1 point
  9. I will never understand this "updates break a lot of things" notion. I've been using Windows my entire life. Both personal use and commercial use. I can count on one hand how many times updates broke something and it was always minor things, never impacted my productivty. That said, Microsoft needs to work on their QA for their updates. Ever since they got rid of their classic QA Team and replaced them with some AI based testing garbage the quality of their updates has gone downhill.
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a procedural Environment fog for C4D+Redshift with more complex settings than the Redshift Standard fog: -- Control for Basic Fog Breakup (Maxon Noise) -- Control for Fog Height based on world coordinates -- Control for Fog Depth based on camera depth -- Control for Fog Hero Clouds for additional complexity Most of the appearances can be controlled via the last ramp in the respective group. Alternate Breakups can be achieved with different noise types. Noises can of course be animated for additional breeziness. Credits: - Basic setup by the great Redshift forum chief, Adrian. (I have no idea what his last name is :D). - Palm tree is a free Test-Asset of the Redshift Proxy Tree Library Pack by "CG Imagine" Have fun and feel free to improve (and upload your better version ;D) Also, check out my Redshift OceanShader!
    1 point
  11. Why they shut it down? I do not know. But I have several web applications running myself, and maintenance costs will add to the total budget. Since they have a new license system now, I guess they wanted to do some housekeeping. C4D versions came in my mailbox, up to, and including R17. After that, they had to be downloaded. If you are a registered customer, I see no reason why you cannot get your SN and setup files. I got links in my support response, from Maxon, links to everything, setups and SNs for my R18, R19 and R20. Here in Norway, C4D was sold through a local dealer. I assume that is the case for you too, isn't it? Contact the dealer, the least they could do, is to help you out here, if Maxon is slow. -Ingvar
    1 point
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