make a vertical linear cloner made out of spheres, choose amount and size of spheres so they almost touch each other.. apply softbody tag to the cloner, choose "made out of clones" in the softbody tags options. dial in settings for structural, flexion and shear, also go to project settings and up the steps per frame to something like 15. then apply a tracer to the cloner, set to connect all objects... then sweep a circle along that tracer spline, give the circle the same diameter as the spheres. hide the cloner from editor and rendering. that gives you one noodle... but you can copy the cloner and sweep with tracer as many times as you need noodles..... done this in the past, works quite well, but it might get too slow with lot of noodles. you could also try just cloning a bunch of straight splines, make that editable and merge all splines and apply a softbody tag to that... might run a bit faster. then the splines themselves get calculated as softbody. you'd have to play with the collision margin then, so the noodles won't intersect....
edit: just did a test out of curiosity, the clones solution is way faster... files attached.