Just wondering if there is any value to this strategy for using and staying current over the long term - especially if you have R23 perpetual. as R23 was a pretty good release, especially in the area of cross platform integration and animation.
Purchase and keep current with Redshift, Octane and/or whatever 3rd party renderer you prefer. Really, from a "features" perspective, rendering improvements usually deliver the biggest gains to most users. For me, I love Redshift and its upgrade costs are only $250/year.
Use Substance Designer for all your texturing and mapping needs. Indie license is $240/year. I am now at $490/year total. Also, Redshift can read .sbsar files so those two play together.
Should you need a new feature with the latest version of C4D, then purchase the monthly subscription (billed monthly) for the latest version. You could do that for 9 months out of 12 and still be ahead of the annual perpetual license upgrade cost. When you have what you need, export it to FBX and alembic to bring it back into R23. As I am already into this for $490, I could do the monthly plan for 4 months out of the year and still be ahead of the perpetual license upgrade cost.
So with that mindset, what have you really lost? True, there are some convenience issues you have to deal working with multiple apps but you actually end up with better tools like Substance Painter, Substance Source, Substance Alchemist and Redshift - resorting only to the latest version of C4D for a brief period of time should you need a new tool -- and you bake out the result for importation back into R23.
Of course, this is all so we can stick with the interface and stability we love the most. You could always follow a fourth option: Chuck it all, bite the bullet and live with a quirky interface and use Blender.
Just a thought.