I dont understand, this has been the same things said over the past years, since the subscription model was adopted.
"Hey, this is cool little quality of life improvements, I like it" . Yeah, I get it, maybe this will be useful on the long haul, but this is not a substantial improvement on the software core elements, this is again, eyecandy. "Hey, take these presets, and be happy buddy, now you can do this quickly without having to think too much"
This is even more real when you look at our friendly neighbour, Blender, with constant updates, and amazingly implementing new technology, not just UI changes, with a much better frequency, and a sensation that they are ACTUALLY listening to its user base.
MAXON is doing none of that. This update was supposed to be "hey, you have switched to our subscription model, exchanged your nice and perpetual software and we are now holding your files at a cost, and should you wish to ever open this in the future, you better keep paying us, forever.. and ever...and..ever..."
So now the process after this minimal update is the same:
Pay again the maintance price for Redshift to have a compatible render engine to the latest update (Redshift who also have tunnel vision on their RT development and didnt improved much over the past year).
Pay again for maintance for X-Particles to make sure it works with this last version...
Rinse and repeat for every other plugin you have bought and needs, again, a maintance payment. (because now every company love to milk you for subscription money, and it will be a bit too late for you, when you realise you own nothing, but are paying a LOT each month)
I have never felt so frustrated with a company before, and I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot, who is supposed to fork over any credit card I have to pay for this absurd price of a subscription, just so I can continue to open my files, having paid jobs or not. And at the same time, I should be actually happy and greatful for this, because... hey...
- Grid fades based on distance (Hurraaayy)