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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2021 in all areas

  1. People really need to watch Chris Schmidt's EXCELLENT overview of S24 at RocketLasso before they pass any sort of judgement. He takes almost 90 minutes to explain everything and is very thorough. From the standpoint that this is a 0.5 release (IMHO as it was only six months since the last release), I find it a very respectable set of features. Look....everything in this release is focused on USER EFFICIENCY which is never a bad thing and something which you will only appreciate after you used it for a bit and then try to go back to the old way of doing things. I can see that happening with the Asset browser, place tools and the tween tools where you say "how did I live without this for so long?". The tween tool alone should make life easier for animators everywhere. True - nothing big - nothing flashy - nothing to make the competition stand up and take notice.....but all very useful nonetheless. Dave
    4 points
  2. Not gonna lie, that’s really not cool. If someone spends $3500 on a perpetual license, that means they only get 6 months of bug fixes? Yikes.
    3 points
  3. Thanks Igor - this looks cool! I also just signed up as a contributor - thanks for making this place run!
    3 points
  4. Aaaand some random ... candies?
    2 points
  5. Yep - impossible to please all of the people all of the time. We all care about such different things. Some of the people, some of the time seems to be the most anyone can hope for 🙂 CBR
    2 points
  6. The complaints in this thread are very similar to almost every Lightwave and Modo release thread I’ve read over the past 15 years - regardless of the actual quality of the release. And from what I’ve heard, it’s the same for 3d Studio. It seems 3d professionals are really hard to please.
    2 points
  7. No one is hating on perpetuals. I much prefer them myself. Just upset they've got less than 6 months of bugs/dev support... at $3500.
    1 point
  8. If that’s the case, then they should remove the perpetual license option, no?
    1 point
  9. My biggest UI/Workflow problem with C4d & redshift is the fact that the Material preview / Material Nodes dont update previews in real time if renderview is active. I realize there is some limitation. But I really hope it gets resolved. .. even allow the CPU to render previews while GPU does renderview. really hoping this gets fixed soon. Please! 🙂
    1 point
  10. Thanks again for the response Rick. I can understand how much of extra work/time would be involved doing a round of bug fixes for older versions, R22, R21, etc... It certainly would be impractical, for sure. But for this case specifically... we are talking about a release that was launched less than 6 months ago. Someone that put that amount of investment on the software, have just become invisible to a fix as essential as a copy/paste behaviour, this doesnt seem fair to me to be quite honest. I understand that MAXON is concentrating mainly into the subscription model (which I personally dont feel it is a good direction...but that is a whole different story and my own personal opinion) but there needs to be a continuous treatment and attention to a paying customer of a perpetual license for at least 1 year after he/she bought it no? It is an essential bug fix, not a new feature. Telling someone who bought the software less than 6 months ago "hey, too bad, you should've paid subscription instead" I dont think it is fair...
    1 point
  11. We always endeavor to deliver the software in the most stable and bug-free state possible, and typically ship a service pack with additional bugfixes shortly after each release. It's simply impractical to backport every bugfix to earlier releases. Many times a bugfix relies on new core enhancements, and even when they don't the codebase has changed sufficiently that merging the fix is not easy and is very likely to have unintended consequences. This is fundamentally the benefit of subscription - you always ensure that you have access to the latest and greatest MAXON has to offer, the shiny features, the workflow enhancements and the quality improvements. MAXON is continuing to balance those benefits as best we can versus customer requests for a continued perpetual offer.
    1 point
  12. So, if someone decides to invest a large sum of money into the software, they basically have no more support on faulty aspects of this software, less than 6 months after its release? This doesnt feel right at all. When you buy something, this something needs to work as it is intended, full stop. This is the way it was before the subscription model was adopted. My perpetual license of R18 got updates even 1 year afterwards with essential fixes. I understand obviously that new features are added within each release, and sometimes a new feature could already contain a fix for an old problem. But if that is the case, this needs to be more transparent than the way it is now. Locking out a fix to a problem that was in the software to only users who are willing to update and pay for the subscription it is not a way to treat people who invest in the software in the first place. It shouldnt even be legal.
    1 point
  13. Yeah, I saw yesterday Chris Schmidt´s presentation "live" and must say it was breathtaking...
    1 point
  14. i removed texture and preferences and now is much better works. but okey, i will try remove picture viewer too and adapt to use as windows.. but for me sad to see those limitations. c4d it is best interface in the industry and this is one of the reasons why i prefer c4d.
    1 point
  15. This is the weirdest self portrait I've ever seen 😂
    1 point
  16. Ha thank you! Idk I mean the smile is just creepy along with the no pupil look. Really trying to push the designs these days to see whats possible with stylized characters and old fashioned poly modelling.
    1 point
  17. Here's a body update i forgot to upload last week 😄
    1 point
  18. Sorry for the late reply brother! not at home this week, when i get back i'll send you some shaders via pm 😄
    1 point
  19. I think this has been mentioned a bit in the thread but in case you missed it. The course aimed at people coming from C4D into Houdini. It's really good. Stop Being Afraid Of Houdini - Mograph.com (20) Stop Being Afraid of Houdini - YouTube
    1 point
  20. It's cool that you believe that, there's lots of people that think different on this. The point is that I politely asked you not to post unhelpful and unconstructive stuff in the thread, that is literally all I asked you to do. It should be clear that it has absolutely nothing to do with neither lack of humor nor with political correctness. That's just whataboutism at this point. Again, not giving your opinion is not the point. But clearly you missed that part. I was actually going to be the grown up here until I read this, but hey, you do you.
    1 point
  21. The point of these threads is open discussion. It's one thing being angry about not getting what you want, it's another thing being a dick about it. The latter is not something that is appreciated in this forum.
    1 point
  22. Regarding Redshift Assets I wanted to mention that while they're aren't any included currently in the MAXON-provided library, it's easy to add your own. The Asset Browser automatically tracks dependencies and will flag any Redshift materials with a special icon. You can build a smart search based on the dependency to for instance easily pull up Redshift metals. I'm sure in time we'll add Redshift materials to the online library as well.
    1 point
  23. I get it, people get annoyed when a software they love gets compared to a different software. And by no means, I ever attacked any MAXON developer or accused them of being lazy. This would've been absurd on my part and definitely not my intention here at all. And to be honest, if this wasnt a subscription model, I wouldnt think I would be this upset right now... But it is the business model that gets me you know? This bread crumbs of updates in exchange of the constant payment that we are required to make. This changes the dynamic of things, specially when you can (and I believe you have to) compare with other softwares. I dont want to turn this into a Maya vs Blender vs C4D debate, this is not it.
    1 point
  24. I dont understand, this has been the same things said over the past years, since the subscription model was adopted. "Hey, this is cool little quality of life improvements, I like it" . Yeah, I get it, maybe this will be useful on the long haul, but this is not a substantial improvement on the software core elements, this is again, eyecandy. "Hey, take these presets, and be happy buddy, now you can do this quickly without having to think too much" This is even more real when you look at our friendly neighbour, Blender, with constant updates, and amazingly implementing new technology, not just UI changes, with a much better frequency, and a sensation that they are ACTUALLY listening to its user base. MAXON is doing none of that. This update was supposed to be "hey, you have switched to our subscription model, exchanged your nice and perpetual software and we are now holding your files at a cost, and should you wish to ever open this in the future, you better keep paying us, forever.. and ever...and..ever..." So now the process after this minimal update is the same: Pay again the maintance price for Redshift to have a compatible render engine to the latest update (Redshift who also have tunnel vision on their RT development and didnt improved much over the past year). Pay again for maintance for X-Particles to make sure it works with this last version... Rinse and repeat for every other plugin you have bought and needs, again, a maintance payment. (because now every company love to milk you for subscription money, and it will be a bit too late for you, when you realise you own nothing, but are paying a LOT each month) I have never felt so frustrated with a company before, and I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot, who is supposed to fork over any credit card I have to pay for this absurd price of a subscription, just so I can continue to open my files, having paid jobs or not. And at the same time, I should be actually happy and greatful for this, because... hey... - Grid fades based on distance (Hurraaayy)
    1 point
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