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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2021 in all areas

  1. I have no idea why I avoided this so long for a little inconvenience of setting it up and using it. The results are insane. I am not even colorgrading my renders and they look like they just went to an entire higher level. Especially the colors. I urge everyone to have a look at it and integrate it into their workflows when possible. As I said, I haven't colorgraded with it yet but it doesn't seem to be that much of a pain for way, way better results. Here's some comparison shots. Top is always sRGB, bottom is ACES. Look at these juicy colors! Here's a video on how to set it up with Redshift:
    1 point
  2. I had no idea about this... Thanks for sharing it with us!
    1 point
  3. I must get caught up on this as soon as I can...
    1 point
  4. Heres a little sneak peak of a new character 🔪🔪🔪
    1 point
  5. we can wait for sclupt. because they buy this. also they buy uv tools. and we get it. im just seeing that: MAXON do not developing anyting excepting motion graph things. they think, world is 3d and 3d is motion graphic. there is no game industry no architecture or other industries. MAXON have body paint. but in today, a company like allegoritmic takes whole game industrys instead of MAXON. i remember beowulf movie ads and breakdowns. it was first serious full cgi film and paint works was done in bodypaint. MAXON can be king not only in motion graphics, also in texturing-painting too. but they refused-lost this chance. now there are substance for game texturing and mari for films...also 3dcoat or quixel. bodypaint? no one cares.... also you cant find some normal tutors for it. so i think MAXON is interesting only with motion graphhics. maya and blender does moves to this area and i think MAXON have fear. scene nodes are just blocking blender and last character improvoments says to autodesk/maya, "if you come to my area, i will come to your.." and there is forger app for same logic about blender. we will see it in c4d as a upgrade for sclupt, but its just for blocking customers to moving blender. i think if blender goes just little bit non destructive like c4d, MAXON can lost lot of customers to blender. so i think we can see some good motiong raphics tools or finalised scene nodes. also there will be little update for particles because of scene nodes. will be some sclupt improvoments. if MAXON buy or lisenced a another tool also we can see it as "news" or update. also epic game granted MAXON some money in previous year. so we can see epic skeleton in c4d or or some another pipeline for unreal. and last one, we can see realtime render. because of fear of eevee. at least i think if we look at blender, we can see what comes in next releases of big 3d softwares. because of they have fear. because of they have industry and dont worried about loosing customers. because they are kings in own lawns. like c4d in motion graphics. but blender comes.it rises and its now a danger for kings of 3d industries. so in every area blender does move, others does moves too in that areas... its what we can see in next releases. a blenderized c4d.
    1 point
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