In the past I had created a plugin with similar functionality in the form of the Dials plugin, with its "favourites".
However, over time I didn't quite like to use it, as it was cumbersome to quickly create these favourites via the plugin's configuration panel.
With modeling the recent "Cozy tavern challenge" I realized I wanted a better workflow for repetitive tasks, where I - for instance - alternatively required different bevel or extrude values.
I thus came up with the idea to provide a global "preset container", which would display the presets of the currently active tool. But most importantly, creating and applying presets from that container should be quick and easy ...
I then started implementing this new plugin, and didn't know better than name it "ToolPresets".
Other ideas for preset plugins are still growing and maturing in the back of my head ... but for now, let's focus on getting this plugin completed.
Development is still ongoing, which I am currently focusing on R20 Windows.
If there are any volunteers to beta-test this (for now R20, Windows only), please comment in this thread, and I will pick a few ... Thanks in advance.
I will later (when time permits) port this to previous and later versions of Cinema4D, as well as macOS.