I am surprised that MAXON dont have more direct involvement with the Cafe. A community centre where you can come and get direct help with a problem, get the news, maybe a giveaway, a competition, a route to speak to the bigwigs would surely be worth its weight in gold to a product like C4D. Literally the only reason I am a C4D user is because of the Cafe, and because you could get help from Nigel (sometimes pretty acerbic help, but you learned to enjoy that pretty quickly). Now you can pretty much rely on Cafe mods and regulars to help with problems in a way you simply can't with any other software. I wish Substance had a place like this, or Octane, or any Adobe product, you name it.
Maybe I have missed something and there is already an arrangement? We are so close - I am posting just below Rick and Dave themselves and this kind of engagement is great, long may it continue.