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I would like to present you totally new way to create sky lighting mainly for arch-viz exterior usage but it is good for interiors too because it has some specific options. Advanced Sky for Cinema 4D : Cloudy sky simulation with soft transition from clear to cloudy sky included all three PRG, Hosek Wilkie and Preetham models Sun height, Sky rotation with individual HDRI map rotation connected to global Sky horizontal rotation Many options to change color of Sky models and HDRI maps like temperature, tint, saturation, exposure, hue... Individual control for Sun parameters Ground diffusion light which can improve brightness of polygons that are towards ground with included GI ( so it looks real not flat ) Horizon maps with included alpha - they can be scaled, moved with repeating effect Special ground plane for HDRI maps which doesn't have included ground - fully customizable PRG light color compensation to looks the same as Hosek-Wilkie HDRI's mixing - you can mix two HDR maps using different options for them ! Camera Exposure and White Point was additionally added to have better control on scene colors. HDRI reflection only object for creating custom reflections. It can be scaled by different ways and customized with color corrections. Tinting for all HDRI maps is now available. It fully works with other color corrections. D65 color correction as option was added to all HDRI maps. This is workaround for C4D issue while using ACEScg color space - HDRI maps looks wrong by default. Special Horizon reflection only map with cast shadow option. Advanced tabs for controlling Reflection and GI impact. Reset color option for individual Ground and Tint corrections. Extended parameters which works above original 100% to create specific effects like saturation, color corrections. Available : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/pdmwo Self-explanation manual :5 points
5 points
New Tutorial: And a demo project file: stylized-wooden-ladder_vD01.c4d4 points
Absolutely, and to you my friend and from me to you all 🙂 🤪✨ I know I post this every year, but never stops being funny. CBR4 points
Dave McGavran retweeted a preview of C4D fluids from Derya Öztürk's page. Looks cool though others in the thread noted some artifacts or glitching at the very end. I'm sure that will be sorted out. I expected goopy slimes were going to be simulated okay, I'm curious to see how it handles water. https://x.com/dmcgavra/status/18801658534356872932 points
I figured i would attach this here… i had it over buried in otoys forums. I am one that despises PCs but “for the moment” 3d rendering on the GPU is in the hands of “nvidia” sadly… I managed to put together a great “HYBRID” setup that lets you have the best of both worlds. For similar reasons why i love C4d for its consistency and elegance.. i’m also a Mac user for a lot of the same reasons. If i didn’t need an RTX card on the PC i wouldn’t own a PC at all. (I suspect once apple gets to the M5 M6 era this will no longer be an issue) But until then.. here is what i came up with. Cinema 4d on Mac Studio with a PC (over in the corner no screen) acting like a DUMB EGPU for the mac to use both for Final Frame rendering as well as IPR previews. all over a 10GB cat 8 cable. using Octane Render. NOTE: if you buy octane you get 10 free render notes.. (put them on all your PCs.. LOL) - Redshift on the other hand.. Maxon is bloody greedy and you need to buy a FULL RS seat and they don’t have render notes.. ALSO you need to setup either OLD team render or..something complex like Deadline.. both UGGGGG! - So after running all those previous solutions…i settled on Octane.. and never looked back! it was sooooo easy to setup and you only need to install the render node daemon on each PC..and enable Network rendering in the octane control panel for both final frame and under the settings for the live viewer. (Mac render node in the works) - this way no copying plugins or full C4d installs no licensing bs.. with octane!… Also octane live viewer will ALSO make use of your network node machines as well not just for Final Frame rendering! This setup very very scaleable.. if you need things faster… its practically now a single one button push to upload your scene or c4d file to the RENDER network! This allows for hundreds of GPUs to render your project in like 15 mins. LOL If you have questions let me know.. see Attached PDF. Mac PC OCTANE Network node setup and hardware.pdf2 points
Or theres another guy asking about tank tracks below. Tank tracks = garage door slats2 points
More prgoress 😄 This is it. 2024-12-27 18-57-22.m4v TankTrackRig_Test__0003.c4d2 points
I think there are many companies that use C4D for character animation. This Christmas carrot animation was a quick after-hours job. And here is a commercial character animation made by our team:2 points
@Hrvoje - There's an even simpler method. You can use the "Select by Weight" node to create a points selection. Then use the Transfer Selection node to convert the Point selection to a Polygon selection.2 points
Welcome to the Core and Happy Christmas ! I fully sympathize - I can never fully 'get' the behaviour of those clamp constraints, and they never seem to do exactly what I want, so I am the wrong person to advise on use of those. But I can recommend a different way, depending on what you need. One very simple way to get a straight spline between 2 things that move is to position 2 'target' Nulls at the connection points of / as children of your main objects, then use the Tracer to 'connect all nodes' which will constantly draw a straight spline between them. If you want to try simulation then Rope Belt is probably the way to go, but I would tend to avoid that approach, as it is quite difficult to art direct 'tension' using that and things have a tendency to be very 'floppy'. CBR2 points
2 points
Time to revive this thread, here is a fun one 🙂 12_Butterfly.c4d2 points
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1 point
The drag multiplier increments are fixed. However, if you write in a number with the level of precision you want like `10.002` then put your cursor to the left of the digit you want to increment `10.00|2` you can use the up/down arrows on your keyboard to do your fine adjustments `10.003`.1 point
1 point
Spline filling/cutting effect. A spline is filling within boundaries of another spline (pm request) 163_Spline_Fill.c4d1 point
Yes I think that that is why beta guys offer some value to Maxon above most customers in that regard - unlike your report, which was atypically thorough, and any @HappyPolygon makes (which seem to be on a whole new level in terms of detail and frequency), regular customer reports are usually limited to 1-liner 'this doesn't work - sort it out!' kind of thing, which is about 5% as helpful as they need reports to be, and there is a much greater incidence of user error in their findings. This is why I have my doubts about Maxon potentially doing fully public betas, because it is impossible to discipline any large (unpaid) crowd into writing the sort of reports they can usefully act upon, and if you allow reports to flood in from those sorts of numbers there will be a lot of white noise and wasted time in there, from people, who through no fault of their own, and despite their best intentions, won't always know what they are doing, or how to do it well ! It will no doubt be appreciated that you have taken the time to provide the info you did, even though it was in rather aggravating (for you) circumstances. And although I have absolutely no influence over these things, it would be nice if support were in a position to offer people additional subs time when they are forced into a corner like you have been... CBR1 point
Hi Cerbera, Happy new Year. I will suggest to Maxon to make parametric splines compatible or develop a scene nodes modifier to bypass parametric object referencing limitations.1 point
Here is a plasma/electric ball. Particles stuff is really nice 🙂 01_Plasma Ball.c4d1 point
This is huge for Maxon. I wonder if any of the tech buried in SurfaceSpread will make its way into C4D's scatter tools or if SurfaceSpread will stand on its own and also part of a Maxon One subscription. I ask because on some forums, there have been calls for additional features to the updated scatter tools released around R2023 (Not sure of version they were first introduced). So not only does this make the Maxon One subscription more attractive (Laubwerk's pricing was always a bit too high for me) but it may also help accelerate the growth of C4D's object scatter capabilities. If you go to the Laubwerk's page, it redirects you to the MaxonOne page. On that page, the only indication on the fate of SurfaceSpread is this extremely vague sentence: I will watch with keen interest!!!! Dave1 point
yeah if you want AD like adoption do what they and Avid did.. get it into the classroom!.. get it into the hands of many… you will then Grow your user base.. DUH…! come on Maxon.. be just a “tiny bit less greedy!” and you will grow much faster.1 point
Go apply to be a beta tester. So long as there's a reasonable flow of usefulness from you; bug reports, ideas, feedback; you effectively get Maxon One for the entire duration. I haven't personally paid for c4d for 25 years now 😉 For a quick reference, and extrapolating back a little as the current database doesn't go back the whole 25 years, Im currently sitting on ~1700 bug reports, ~700 testing other people's bugs and 1100 ideas for features/changes. This is roughly one idea or bug every 3 days. Some of this will be small scraps like "The hitbox for this button needs to be extended 2 pixels to the left on 4k screens". And others will be larger scale testing reports where time is spend trying to pinpoint the exact cause of a problem. Actually on second thoughts money for bugs sounds like a great idea 😄1 point
Assuming you are rendering Redshift, use a RS Tag on the splines and set the RS Curve to hair or cylinder. That will solve the line deformation problem with sweeps - no sweep needed. The curl/twist problem happens when you displace a group of splines (or a cloner with splines)... displacement works iteratively so it tends to look pretty uniform. Use a Connect object on them, drop it in a group with the displacer. (And you can do the fade with some opacity/ramp trickery, but it is more flexible to do it with a depth pass.)1 point
Dropping the fully rigged tank. Model is from Grabcad. Not textured. Ive added basic speed and steering controls. Not sure how to make the tracks more stiff. They kind of flop around sometimes. And when turning sometimes they will slid off the wheels. They are transfering motor power with friction, so not very accurate, like real tank. Last wheel - cogwheel - should be transfering power by moving the tracks, but doubt that would work well 😄 Maybe i wil ltry one day. There is a Target Null - all it does is stabilize the gun. It doesn't move the tower. but i guess it can be easly linked for that as well. Leopard 2A5_RIGGED.rar1 point
In your version you need to be in the Sculpt layout, and then the bake function is here... Cool model btw - sort of like a cross between a Thestral and what you might see a White Walker riding ! CBR1 point
Not sure what you want to achieve here. But as a first step I'd alway check what's available on turbosquid etc. It's usuallly easier to buy something close and tweak it rather than start from scratch (unless you have larger budget). ie: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/rigged-and-animated-horse-v2-clydesdale-9536681 point
Hi Dave, thank you for positive words and interests of these Sky Rigs. These rigs are still intensively updated and new functions were added, some of them from users request. This is why current interface and first promotional video are different. I think about extensive updating manual and video when all new functions will be incorporated for both versions. Also due to the different native sky objects in Redshift and Octane - they have little different interface. Redshift has limited Dome Light compared to Octane ( without texture input ) and it needs more workaround to works the same but in other way it has more configurable Sky Models than Octane. Two new functions will be added within days - mixing two HDRI maps using slider ( soft transition ) and simulation of animated cloud shadows on the ground. It will be done first for Octane version because of user requests. After that manual and video will be updated.1 point
1 point
Very interesting. Two questions: The interface that you have posted at Core4D is slightly different than shown in the video or at the Gumroad site. For example, the fold out sections in the video and at the Gumroad site are Sky, Sun, HDRI and Ground but above is Sky, HDRI 1, HDR1 2, Custom Sky Reflection, etc. Therefore, which one reflects the current state of the plugin...or...if the differences are render engine dependent, which one reflects the version for Redshift? When will the full manual be available? The Gumroad site says it is still being developed. Seems very powerful for the price. Excellent job overall. But given all of the flexibility, a full manual is a "must have" to both understand and master the full capability of the plugin (IMHO). Thanks for sharing. Dave1 point
Okay, Maxon Support was able to reproduce the problem and filed it as a bug. Still strange that it worked in C4D 2023, 2024, 2025 until recently and suddenly it's a bug? So weird....1 point
2024-12-28 17-51-59.m4v I mean , come on, this is sick 😄 once its an actual tank. This works actually better than the test rig. I had to tweak suspension and distance between everyrthing and all, crank the quality settings and somehow it doesn't explode until it reaches the edge... Even the suspension mesh moves with the wheels, although its hard to see. Gun Stabiliser. Ehh i love C4D 😄 so easy to do certain things.1 point
Yeah, the typical non dynamic rig is also good. I even used new Rope sim to get the tracks bounce around nicely. So maybe semi dynamic. But just for fun i wanted to try this. It is very unstable actually. For this example work well, but as soon as i moved the box left or right, centre of mass change ever so slightly and whole rig just sink in the floor. So lots of parameters to control, probably very dificul to get it to move on an actual rocky/uneven surface. Increasing the Substeps, or colision settings makes it a lot worse. But a fun 'gadget' to play with nevertheless 😄1 point
And don't forget the often unacknowledged command 'Polygon Islands to Objects', which can do it without additional generators... CBR1 point
Only my guesses, but I think that could be because that feature is primarily meant to be used with spline sketch to project guide splies directly onto the model where they are probably most helpful, which isn't possible with parametric splines (or at least not without deformer help etc). But may also be something to do with RM needing actual points to work with rather than a real-time mathematically generated procedural object ? What are we like hey ? 2 am on Xmas day, and both of us are here ! All my lot have gone to bed, but night owls don't sleep much I guess, or at least not now ! 🙂 Season's best to you HP... CBR1 point
1 point
I'd just get a circle spline or other suitable shape (loads of subdivisions), whazz it in a linear cloner, and then group that with a displacer using animated noise. Wavy clones CBR 01.c4d That sorts the movement out (tweak speed and noise scale / type to taste). But how to get them to fade out as they fall off ? I wonder if Blend mode in the cloner would blend between luminance colours of a material applied to 2 operands within it ? That, or some sort of fog / environment in C4D / RS. Or using depth pass in AE or similar (providing your clones fire off into Z space) ? CBR1 point
I would like to present advanced Sky-Rig system for Cinema 4D. Octane and Redshift versions. Using this rig you can have possibility to change every parameters of Sky, Horizon and HDRI map as you like with some special features : - Cloudy sky simulation with soft transition from clear to cloudy sky included special Custom model - Two Sky models included - Custom, Hosek & Wilkie - Sun height, Sky rotation with individual HDRI map rotation connected to global Sky horizontal rotation - Many options to change color of Sky models and HDRI maps like temperature, saturation, exposure, gamma - Disconnected Sky power from Sun Power - fell free to change them individually - Individual color controls for Sun and Sky parameters - Support for Horizon Line maps with included alpha - they can be scaled, moved with repeating effect - Virtual ground plane for HDRI maps which doesn't have included ground that works like backlight - fully customizable - Reflection only HDRI and 8-bit spherical map support - Two HDRI maps for fast switching and comparison - Camera white point included - Reset to default buttons Redshift : Available on Gumroad : Octane : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/yqfoj Redshift : https://archviz4d.gumroad.com/l/pdmwo1 point
The education licensing thing is the biggest thinkable mistake. its plainly stupid.1 point
Cinema is much nicer to use, but that alone doesn't make it more professional than blender. There are thing about blender that are worse and things that are better. Cinema makes it much easier to love it for its UI constancy and overall logic of use. But right now Blender with cycles is so much more stable than cinema with redshift. You can download all old versions of it if you want to open an old project or if they droppend a feature. The node system in Blender ist more consitent than cinemas and much easier to use and then there are features that are not available for cinema like the compositor (yes it actually is really usefull) or eevee. But yes blender pisses you off every day when you are used to use cinema. Imho blender is just for another industry and another style of working. Anyway less competition is always bad! I personally see this as a sign that the market for commercial 3D software is going to get really problematic in the future. RIP Modo1 point
blender is free for a reason. there is no support, they can break compatibility, drop a feature, not document stuff, translate or resolve major bug, basically they can do as they like, there is zero safety there to lean onto if you are a professional. whenever you see fast development, rest assured that is rushed, poorly tested and code is likely not refactored and optimized. Last time I tried it I failed to miss what the hype is, it was terrible. from my pov on C4D, Maya and Houdini are complete 3D packages. hate AD for what they did to xsi so no Maya, Houdini is too techy td tool with long turnaorund times, and C4D snapped right away1 point
Obviously biased here but C4D is quite a package at the moment 🙂 Regarding Modo, abandoning such a large code base must have been difficult decision. There must be a lot of tech that will be extracted and placed elsewhere. There is also a remote possibility, pure speculation of course, to create new3D package.1 point
everyone forgive me but this give me a chuckle : ) They left to make better lightwave and ended up doing same mistake. it is also true that people are hyping up blender a lot, same as Brad hyped up Modo, wonder how that will end1 point
Despite the fact about the constant whining on the forums about C4D and that it was considered an amateur tool a decade ago it has now outlived a good number of competitors.1 point
I feel for them - Blender's modelling, whilst not terrible by a long shot, is a waaay short of the sort of powers Modo had...1 point
I too mourn its passing. Although I never quite committed to using it as my main 3D tool there was a lot about it I liked (and more so than either Max or Maya) and I used to often check their progress and new features and was consistently impressed by their very expansive modelling toolset, particularly their unusual boolean / SDS workflow. And of course it upsets me on a wider level to think that another one-time giant of the modelling world isn't there any more and didn't think it was worth pursuing as a focus. My focus remains very much ' the modelling', and I still it enjoy that more than I do any other aspect of 3D. Fortunately Cinema has come on in leaps and bounds in that department in the last 5 years, and continues to get more comprehensive to the point where it can rival Modo's former glories and go beyond them with multi-threaded power... CBR1 point
they were trying to multithread it and I reckon they proposed to foundry execs that they need more manpower for that and its an extremely complex task. When they realised its not worth putting the resources into it, they decided to abandon it... I think Modos architecture was way too complex to multithread anyway... the next evolution to all these 3d programs is what cinema4d has managed to achieve before anyone else... proper multithreading and new viewport... people can talk trash about c4d all they want but they managed to do this before any other 3d program... even before houdini... Maxon saved their own asses by making the right call early... at least for now. if they didnt do this it would end up like Modo real fast...1 point
Here are good scripts : Code Vonc - Selections CV-Parametric Selection Tag: Download and Install [CV-Parametric Selection Tag] - Cineversity Training and Tools for Cinema 4D1 point