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  1. Past hour
  2. Realflow is part VFX tool and part engineering tool. I understand the amount of information it can store for each fluid particle can be impressive and can be used to determine the stress and strain on large scale piping systems. Now X-particles has come a long way. Remember that Insydium absorbed the code for the first fluid simulation program developed for C4D which was DPIT fluids. So, it has an "inherited" age to it that may be as long as Reaflow. Nevertheless, many people bash X-Particles as being too complex or involved to get acceptable results. Not sure about that because the training by Bob Walmsley seems very straightforward so either he is an amazing teacher (which I do think he is) or X-particles is not being judged fairly. Nevertheless, like others, I do believe fluids will get the Maxon treatment.....that perfect intersection of power and ease of use. But remember, it is fluids after all...so ease of use will need to be thought of as a "relative" term in comparison to other programs. Just my 2 cents. Dave
  3. How about fresh mussels simmered in beer!!! Now we are talking!!! Dave
  4. Yesterday
  5. He really said that as an American? I understand it was probably meant as a joke or humorous remark, but I am so fed up with this stereotype, esp. if it's coming from someone from a different nationality. For the record, I hate beer. One of the most disgusting drinks to ever have been invented. And yet I am German. Just saying... Anyways, curious if the native fluid sim will feel better than the C4D Realflow plugin. I think it still used to be the best fluid solution up until now, despite its age. Not sure if X-Particle's fluids are better or not.
  6. Dave verbally hinted that fluids were coming a few months ago at one of the trade fests when a Youtube interview asked him what was next for simulations, asking if improved muscles were coming, and Dave said we're a German company, beer is important to us, so think along the lines of beer rather than muscles and that's what sim will be coming next.
  7. Hmm... I'm not too hyped about that tweet. For a small-scale fluid sim it looks unstable and glitchy, I'd expect new tech to totally nail that usecase. Going further, I don't expect Houdini-level Ocean stuff, but Maxon could differentiate by comfort and accessibility. Give us a ready-to-use toolset for everything up to pool-size sims, with a Hot4D-replacement (Deformer for Ocean-Waves), automatic dynamic compartmentalization, Fake & real foam, Materials for Water, foam, bubbles, etc. etc. The new particle system is designed incredibly well, so I have high hopes that Maxon will deliver something good, despite that tweet...
  8. I posted in another forum that should Mr. McGavran ever decide to provide a hint that C4D was getting into fluids, he should just post a picture of a cup of coffee, tea or soup (in real life not simulated) with the tag line "look at what's brewing" and then watch everyone's head explode: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? He posted a picture of his coffee maker...no tag line. Honestly, I never know what to believe. Dave
  9. Yeah, this Fresnel effect was exactly what I was looking for. Thank's Mash!
  10. Question is if it is a particle hack or a new particle solver...but in recent years the leaks were all about new tools. So yeah!
  11. Mash

    Missing Fonts

    Maybe you turned it off in the prefs?
  12. Dave McGavran retweeted a preview of C4D fluids from Derya Öztürk's page. Looks cool though others in the thread noted some artifacts or glitching at the very end. I'm sure that will be sorted out. I expected goopy slimes were going to be simulated okay, I'm curious to see how it handles water. https://x.com/dmcgavra/status/1880165853435687293
  13. Last week
  14. I don't get a popup. The project was originally done in R18. I have opened it in R18, R26 and 2024 and no popup.
  15. I see. What is stopping you from converting the cloner? You could use different materials as well. If you still need MoGraph access, you can use fracture object to treat each panel as a clone.
  16. Mash

    Missing Fonts

    When you open a project a window pops up telling you the name of the missing font
  17. Thank you @Hrvoje, yes, found this setting and tried it. It did fix the texture movement. But then the randomizer does not work. Yo see, I need cloned panels to have different wood grain - same texture but different placement, to look more natural. I am not able to achieve this.
  18. How can I find the font name of missing fonts? C4D defaults missing fonts to Helvetica and gives no indication to the missing font files unlike AE. It does display the correct fonts in the project although they are missing, however, when rendering, it will change to Helvetica and the layout is destroyed. Quick fix is to edit the fonts in the object manager and this seems to work. After searching for an answer I could not find how to identify the original missing fonts used in a project. Any ideas anyone? Jacobite
  19. @Isca You should update to 2025.1, there are changes. Alternatively, load the scene into 2025.0.2, select the nodes mesh and open its graph. In create menu of graph locate "change group type to" and select nodes mesh. This will force nodes mesh capsule conversion and results should be displayed
  20. @Hrvoje I've tried opening this in: - 2023.2.2 - No error message but also nothing in the viewport / Node Editor window - 2024.5.1 - Error message but also nothing in the viewport / Node Editor window - 2025.0.02 - Error message and nothing in the viewport / Node Editor window Which version did you create this in? Do I need to download the missing Grid asset from somewhere? Thanks again 🙂
  21. @Hrvoje - Thanks so much for this! Appreciate you taking a look. I've not really used Nodes much but interesting to hear it could be helpful here. Unfortunately when I try to open your scene file I get this error: Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks again for your help!
  22. Hi All I have been working on a few game characters that need to be imported into the PlayCanvas game engine that have been exported as GLB files from Blender. Now I am pretty much a newbie with Blender so don't know my way around it like I do C4D. Play Canvas is saying for some reason the model files are not recognized by the root Armature node and therefore cannot infer the root bone for the model meshes. So none of the model meshes animate properly. This is gobble-de-gook to me being a Blender newbie so if anyone can shed some light I would be most grateful.
  23. @Isca I doubt this can be done with MoGraph, maybe with python effector, however, this can be done with nodes and you can get clones or matrix out either way. Would that work for you? In the attached scene is an attempt at solving this. As is, the clones are unaware of other clones so there are intersections and they do not respect the initial grid boundary. This is not an easy task if you want no intersections, respect of boundary, time control (rate) etc 🙂 paths.c4d
  24. @DPH There is a fix texture setting setting in cloner, tried that?
  25. Without knowing exactly what kind of effect you are after, I would say that increasing the voxel size for pyro simulation (under project settings), changing the generation geometry in pyro tag (dynamic geo or points) would be a good starting point 🙂
  26. Agreed. i will be running tests to see where it falls when doing cross platform rendering I will turn on for example CPU and GPU but NOT “Hybrid rendering” for example.. though I might be thinking octane.. if it is RS then yeah that WAS Slower.
  27. @Hrvoje Not sure how to fix the texture in cloner settings? If it was Redshift, how would you solve it then (in many aspects the same process can be used). Or is there a way to bake the animation and the texture, once I am happy with the movement?
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