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  1. Yesterday
  2. Sure it's possible 🙂 vmap_selection.c4d
  3. Last week
  4. That season goes up to Episode 16. There's no new ones on his Patreon covering C4D 2025.1 so I think you'll see him do coverage of the new stuff early next year.
  5. Hi, I mananged to use the noise node to drive an extrude node. Is the same possible with a vertex map? I have a vertex map with a field and want to drive modeling operations with it in a Nodes mesh. Ist that possible?
  6. Time to revive this thread, here is a fun one 🙂 12_Butterfly.c4d
  7. Here is a very basic octree setup: 10-sn-octree.c4d
  8. I wonder if he uploaded that accidentally, seems to be from months ago...
  9. Turns out he uploaded an old episode.... Saw it later...
  10. Waves.c4dSth. like this maybe? CHeck the noise values in displacer
  11. There are options in the dome light to remove it from the alpha channel. If you want to isolate individual objects (or materials) you can use the puzzle matte AOV. This gives you a pure R / G / B pass and allows you to control which object or material is assigned to which colour. Add a RS object tag to your object to enable its inclusion in the puzzle matte.
  12. @BlastercastG Not a rendering guy myself, but maybe post a simple scene file? That makes it easier for members to help out
  13. Upload a video/gif, I can't possibly help if I can't see the movement...
  14. Love this guys stuff. Some of the best made tutorials out there.
  15. I'd just get a circle spline or other suitable shape (loads of subdivisions), whazz it in a linear cloner, and then group that with a displacer using animated noise. Wavy clones CBR 01.c4d That sorts the movement out (tweak speed and noise scale / type to taste). But how to get them to fade out as they fall off ? I wonder if Blend mode in the cloner would blend between luminance colours of a material applied to 2 operands within it ? That, or some sort of fog / environment in C4D / RS. Or using depth pass in AE or similar (providing your clones fire off into Z space) ? CBR
  16. Thanks, Hrvoje. I'm not too familiar with tracers but know they can create geometry around splines. How would you generate the spline in this case.?
  17. Tried Tracing with tracer? Looks doable if you trace a cloned spline or extract edge loops from deformed mesh
  18. I'm looking to re-create these type of waves and have them very slowly undulating. There are obviously a lot of curves/bends but also it twists around as well. Open to ideas. The lines need to be kept crisp and graphic looking. Thank you!
  19. Lovely to see the enigmatic and long-absent Daniel Danielsson back with another reminder about why we all need him... CBR
  20. Hi How can I seperate dome light background from objects for compositing? im using AOVs , will the crypto matte do it? Essentially objects with alpha but don't want to render twice. thanks
  21. Thx a lot to both of you! Working myself into it
  22. Here is how to calculate smooth tangents in nodes. Setup is interesting because it shows some previous/next iteration techniques which are widely applicable 🙂 237_Calc_smooth_tangents.c4d
  23. @Smolak Update to latest 2025.1 In case some of you didn't know, Donovan is very capable with nodes, given his position he couldn't avoid it 🙂
  24. Earlier
  25. Thank you - that is useful to know, and should be reported. Did your example scene make it to support ? CBR
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